True Blue Heroes

True Blue Hero

Years ago, Jason’s brother, Nate played football at BYU.
He nominated Coleman to be the team’s weekly True Blue Hero because of the challenges that our family continues to try and conquer.

We got a tour of the football offices.
Coleman sat at Coach Sitaki’s desk.
We watched practice as they got ready to go up against Toledo this weekend.
He and his cousin, Max played catch and ran plays with some players on the practice field.
The boys drank some Powerade.
It was awesome.

Here’s the twitter video of what happened next....wait for it.....

Between you and me, I think these guys are the heroes.
Go Cougs! 🏈✊🏻💙

Can you see Jason in that video? I think he was sitting right by Coleman, loving every minute of it.😉


This Letter


Kolette at 4 Months