Client Case Studies
Mortgage Broker
Bridget released her self-imposed pressure and now enjoys a flourishing business and family life.
As a mother of four young daughters and the achieving the Top Rookie award in her new mortgage business, Bridget constantly worked from a state of emergency. She was creating success at a fast pace by running from one fire to the next, controlling each stage of the pipeline.
Her family suffered as she brought her computer to the dinner table and set the self-imposed expectation that she must respond to every text she received from a client within one hour.
Bridget was victim to her own busy schedule. And her family felt the fallout. She was no longer physically available to braid hair in the morning before school or emotionally available to focus on a conversation with her husband. The business, the client, and the contract were always on her mind.
Bridget was becoming a powerhouse in her industry in just a short time. But she knew that her success was not sustainable. She didn’t know how to create the achievement she wanted at work and be present at home at the same time. Bridget was headed toward burnout and her personal relationships were headed there with her.
A key moment during Bridget’s coaching experience came when she identified what her Zone of Genius is. Instead of continuing to believe that she had to have her hands on every step of the client experience, she recognized where she excelled and what she loved. This also required her to trust her team to excel in their area of expertise as well.
Bridget identified that networking and connecting with realtors was her specialty. She wanted to be available to go to lunch or create events to bring realtors together who she wanted to work with. She got picky about which realtors she wanted to do business with and let the other relationships go.
Bridget handed over the paperwork to her capable team members. Someone was put in charge of fielding all texts and calls. The team created systems to increase the efficiency and flow of the pipeline.
The team protects Bridget’s Zone of Genius.
What Kolette Taught
The Decision Formula
The first thing we identified is what Bridget truly wanted to have happen in her life and in her business. What was most important to her? Why?
Seesaw of Control
Bridget learned our powerful control-management strategy that identifies what we actually have control over and what we don’t. By assigning control of thoughts, feelings and actions to the proper place, Bridget began to release being at the mercy of her schedule, her clients, her family, and her success.
Zone of Genius
With the Decision Formula as her foundation, we then identified Bridget’s Zone of Genius. How did she really want to spend her work time? What is she the expert at? What did she love doing? What can she do that no one else can do? Also, what was not in her Zone of Genius? Who could help with those things?
Active Awareness
Bridget learned that feeling busy or overworked or stressed are emotions. These emotions are created by the thoughts she thinks. We taught her how to use our Active Awareness strategy to simply notice what she is thinking or feeling. She can now recognize that the emotion she is experiencing is created by something she is thinking. With this simple yet powerful tool, Bridget learned to reclaim her schedule, her relationships, and her life – all by managing her mind.
Bridget has released the desire and expectation to control every part of her client experience. Her business is flourishing with less stress and pressure.
The relationships she has with her husband and daughters are flourishing as well. Not because the people have changed, but because Bridget knows how to use her thoughts and feelings to prioritize those relationships the way she wants to. She knows how to be present with her family when she’s with her family and how to be present at work when she’s working. She is calm and confident that she is spending the right time on the right things.
Bridget thought that the only way to create success was to work hard for it. Through coaching with Kolette, she learned that she is not required to feel pressure or stress in order to achieve profound greatness. Success actually feels determined, grounded, joyful, and calm. Bridget now breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that she has up-leveled her life and her business because of her choice to work with Kolette.
Because of coaching, now I’m free. Free to be present with my family and my life.
“I always thought that if I wasn’t feeling stressed, that I wasn’t pushing myself enough. Now I know that I can accomplish more by intentionally planning my work than I can by working in a non-stop, stressed atmosphere. Kolette gave me a word that I love, “Ruthless.” I am ruthless about what gets my time. Any time I devote to my business has to be for things that are in my genius and my money makers. Because of coaching, now I’m free. Free to be present with my family and my life. Free to create an incredible business without feeling so stressed. I am free.”
— Bridget, Mortgage Broker
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