Not in Charge of Feelings

🙅🏻‍♀️You are not in charge of anyone else’s feelings.

“But I can make my kids feel better if they are disappointed or unhappy… can’t I? I thought this was my job.”

That thought is not a fact. It’s not right.

You aren’t in charge of what anyone else feels AND they aren’t in charge of your feelings either.

How do my clients feel when they start to believe this? RELIEF. It’s completely freeing.

The holidays are coming and it’s time to take back your power from in-laws, expectations and overwhelm. I created a free guide just for you to help you feel that same relief. Visit and click on my free download. Link is in my bio.

You’ve got this 💪🏼


“You’re Better Than You Think You Are”


Why the Book Isn’t On Audio