“You’re Better Than You Think You Are”

I don’t believe this quote:
“You’re better than you think you are.”

Someone said it to me recently.
“You’re better than you think you are!”
My response: “Actually I think I’m really awesome.”

This person was surprised.
I think they just said it because it’s something inspiring to say. Motivating. Full of love.
It’s something that many women need to be reminded of.
It’s an excellent encouragement.
Dieter Uchtdorf just said it in his speech at BYU not too long ago. I love him and the stuff he says.
This statement is usually true.

But I don’t really believe it anymore.
I already think I’m amazing.
And capable.
And incredible.
And I also struggle and fall short and I’m weak sometimes.
But that doesn’t mean I think I’m any less.
It doesn’t mean I’m not better than I believe.

“You’re better than you think you are.”

I’m saying it to you.
But maybe you’ve already decided to not believe me. Because you know your infinite value. You already think you’re awesome. You already know you are magnificent and divine.

Here’s an invitation.
If you need to lean on this phrase to shore up your belief in yourself…do it.
I’m 100% on board with that.
But I invite you to just consider deciding that your worth is already off the charts. Your YOU-ness is already offering so much to the world. You already catch glimpses of the greatness our Heavenly Parents created in you. You already know that you’re “better.”

Try that one on, sis.
Wrestle with that idea.
Then tell me what you decide to think.
I love you.✊🏻💙


You’re Really Good at This


Not in Charge of Feelings