Michael J


We just had a pool party in this guy’s backyard.
And I’ve been thinking about him ever since.

Jason and I have known Michael Johnson for 30 years.
I worked with him as a volunteer in the BYU student government office and then he was one of the Vice Presidents the year Jason was Student Body President.

I can’t seem to get him out of my heart this week. I think it’s because I know how much Jason loves Michael J. And how Michael has always loved us.

I find myself continuously telling people about him.
Here I go again. Telling you.

This is what I say:
“I went to a pool party! It was at our friends, Michael and Amy’s house. We’ve known Michael forever.
Michael J. is a perpetual cheerleader.
He has always believed in us.
He has this light about him.
And it has only gotten stronger as the years have passed.
Now they’re Best in State for their property management business!
He’s built something!
Super capable!
And he’s a really nice guy, too.”

That’s what I say. But I feel like it’s not really enough. I hope you get to meet him someday. Then you’ll know.

I also got to see Amy better at the party.
The mom who loves with steadiness and strength. The woman who opens her heart and her house to those who need it.
That’s what I saw in Amy.
And a sense of surety that I don’t think she even realizes is in her.
Surety that who she has in her life is there for exactly what she can uniquely give them.

My heart is pressing a little within me.
I feel loved.
I feel strengthened.
I feel full from being in their circle.
Thank you for that this week, friends.💙✊🏻


Jason’s Tomatoes


Black Widow and Getting Mad