Black Widow and Getting Mad


The Black Widow movie was just released.
Coleman and I stayed up late to watch it from the comfort of my bed.

I got kind of mad.
On a scale of 1-10 of mad-ness, I was only at about a 4. But I felt mad.
Because I didn’t get the story at first.
And that’s the time that I would lean over and ask Jason for the backstory.
Or we would have talked about it beforehand so I was up to speed going in.

Jason loved comics. He loved superheroes. 
He loved The Justice League and Amazing Spider-Man cartoons when we were kids. Coleman like Spidey, too.

When Avengers: Endgame came out, his medical aide said, “If you’re going to see Avengers: Endgame then you have to see Infinity War and then Captain Marvel because Captain Marvel ties it all together” 

I replied, “Unless you have a secret weapon that ties it all together. His name is Jason Hall.”

So we were watching the movie. And I felt mad. 
I wanted him here to tell me about the origin of Black Widow and her “family.”
I wanted him to explain who each character was.
I wanted him to compare the movie to the comic.

But he wasn’t here to do it.

I looked up some info on Google to try and replace him. But it wasn’t the same.
I relied on him to tell me comic book stuff. 
I just wanted that back.

Then Coleman threw out a Jason-type superhero fact.
And he connected some dots before I did.
Then some more.
He took the tidbits I had googled and combined it with his own knowledge from watching every Marvel movie multiple times.
And I had a glimpse of Jason.
Right there with me.
A mini version of my superhero expert.

I always liked watching superhero movies with Jason. He was always willing to go to the chick flick with me.
We were lucky that way.
A shared interest. Each leaning to our own side but willing to enjoy the other person’s thing, too.

That night I shifted my feeling from mad to surprised to comforted and even a little impressed.
Maybe Jason was whispering Black Widow trivia into Coleman’s ear to help me out.
Probably not. 
I think Jason just did enough talking and watching with him here on earth that Coleman has taken on his own love of superheroes.

And he’s getting pretty good at tying it all together for me. ✊🏻💙


Michael J


“I feel obligated to…”