Jason’s Bathroom Remodel

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I’m getting ready to remodel our master bath - aka Jason’s bathroom.
The shower isn’t really working.
It’s looking outdated.
And it’s set up for a wheelchair.
I’m finally feeling ready to update this all-Jason space.
Make it work better for me.
I’ve hired a contractor to oversee the project because I know they’ll do a better job than I will at it. They know more. Have more skills. I’ll let them be the experts.

When I hired my life coach, it was the same experience.
I was already certified as a coach and did things each day to coach myself.
Plus, I am a positive person. A goal-achiever. I have ways that I contribute to the world.

But I wanted someone on the outside looking into my brain.
An expert to help me see what I wasn’t seeing for myself.
We spent time remodeling me.
Knocking down walls.
Opening up the space.
Hauling out the old stuff that wasn’t working and bringing in new thoughts and beliefs.
I’m still myself.
But I feel so much more peace.
I feel more confidence.
I make decisions for the reasons I like instead of out of obligation or guilt.
I have always been valuable and whole - but now I know that truth more completely.

I invite you to consider if you are feeling the nudge for your own remodel.
I wasn’t ready a year ago to change Jason’s bathroom. But I’m ready now.
The contractor will help me make it happen.

Your own personal mind remodel is waiting for you to be ready, too. Is it time?
I’m here to help you.✊🏻💙


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