Math Love?

Coleman doesn’t love math.
Totally capable of doing it.
Just doesn’t love it.

Until this guy came along.
Now math is his favorite.
He can’t wait for math.
Math is awesome!

Mr. Hambrick is a junior high math teacher. 
Who loves math.
And loves seventh graders.
And has the gift of helping reluctant seventh grade students love math.

He’s a builder.
He sees math capabilities in my son that he’s had buried for the last few years.
He views this kid as Student of the Month in Math material, instead of thinking that’s a ridiculous idea.

Coleman loves math now.
Not because he’s a superstar whiz at it.
Not because he actually loves working with numbers and formulas.
Not because it’s always super easy for him.
But because he has a teacher who is helping him see math differently. And how he can actually shine in something that he thought he hated.

Dang, I love junior high teachers.💙✊🏻


Letting Go of Something


No Such Thing as Right?