No Such Thing as Right?

Oh man.
I have struggled with this one.

When I find myself holding back or getting caught up in my insecurities, it's almost ALWAYS because I think I'm not doing it right.
I just want to get it right.

And so often, there is no "right" way for the thing I'm doing.
There are actually TONS of right ways.
Tens. Hundreds. Thousands of right ways.

But I keep thinking that there is only one.

This is probably why I'm a #One Enneagram type. The Reformer. I love being a One - we are discerning, wise, principled, fair, able to delay rewards for a higher good. But part of my Enneagram explanation says, "In brief, Ones want to be right..."

There you go. Yes, I often feel an intense desire to do it right and get it right.

This has gotten in my way in my life and so I've been working on it. Working on enhancing my desire to fight for truth and "rightness" but also watch for the barriers I erect when I just want to do it right. The times I shrink back in fear of making a mistake.

I'm working on not needing to get it right.

Because sure, a personality test labeled me a certain thing. And I definitely can see why. But that doesn't mean I'm stuck there.
I don't have to keep this tendency and quality forever. It doesn't have to be a place I live. Trapped. Never able to break out of the need to get it right.

So, I watch for it to show up.
I feel it still. Often.
But then I try to just recognize it.
Love on it a little bit.
Love on myself.
"Of course you want to get it right," I tell myself.
But maybe you don't have to.
Maybe there are lots of right ways.
Maybe there's not just one path to "rightness."

I'm working on this one.
Anyone else know your Enneagram type? Do I have any friends here in One-Land?
I love all the types - but Ones are basically the most right...right? 😉


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