I love you.

My coach is always telling me to celebrate certain things in my biz.
These things seem a lot smaller and insignificant than what I consider "celebrating material."
But she keeps telling me to celebrate them.

I don't believe her.
I don't believe that the thing is worth celebrating.
I kind of guffaw when she says it.

You know what I mean by that.
The incredulous burst of half-laughing when you don't believe the thing that a person is telling you.

I was surprised to find out that I resist celebrating my efforts unless it's a "big" accomplishment.
It has to be reaching the end result instead of "along the way" milestones.
I could literally feel my body pushing back on the idea that I was worth celebrating small things.

I don't want to guffaw anymore when I think that I'm worth celebrating.
I'm noticing when I do it and I'm working on changing.

I bet that this unbelief happens sometimes when you think about yourself.
You might wonder if you're worth celebrating.
Maybe you wonder if you're loveable.

So I'm telling you now.
You're loveable.
I love you.
That's some proof if you need it.

Maybe you want to be like me and work on noticing when you guffaw.
And decide not to do that anymore.
Decide to celebrate the small things.
Decide to believe that you are loveable.
Decide it's true instead of a joke.

It really is no joke, sis.💙


Why the Book Isn’t On Audio

