
Do you have a kid who WANTED braces?
Who maybe talked about the day he would get them with wistful longing?

That’s my kid.
And it finally happened.
They’re not as fun as he thought.
They poke and scrape and rub and get in the way of eating corn on the cob.
But he still likes them.

And he now brushes more carefully and way more regularly than he did for the first twelve years of his life.
He’s in love with braces.
Because he chooses to be.

The way he thinks about braces is awesome. So he feels awesome. And he does awesome things like brush his teeth.

That’s how we create the life we want.
By thinking about it the way we want.
Coleman has all the power over his braces. Because he has decided he likes them.

What struggle can you get some power over in your life? Try deciding to kind of like that thing - and see what happens.✊🏻💙


I love you.


Letting Go of Something