Download Day + Project 365

I spend a lot of time in my home office.  It is at the front of our home and I like looking out the window at our neighborhood.  Cole can easily reach this window and I have found him looking out of it a lot as well.It stands to reason, since this is my view for the majority of my day, that I would find many things out my office window to photograph.  The snowplow that actually came into our cul-de-sac for the first time since we've lived here (hooray!), the Christmas tree waiting to go to the dump in our neighbor's trailer, two neighbor kids using our paver pathway to walk along and play.  Daily life happens right outside my window.We have had a lot of fog over the last couple of weeks.  It makes the air smoggy as well and we can't wait for a little wind or a storm to blow it all out of the valley and give us our fresh, clean blue skies.  When I go out for a run I come back smelling like a diesel truck and even have to wash my hat in order to get rid of the smell.  Gross.  I can't wait for fresh air.One of my favorite photos in my Project 365 book, however, was taken on a foggy day, through my office window.  I see this picture all winter long when I sit at my computer and just glance to my right.  Then I see the same view without the snow all summer long.  This particular day it seemed so beautiful to me, with the fog and haziness.  I think I captured the essence of the scene with this photo.This is what I love about Project 365 - the freedom to take photos that might seem random but are the bits and pieces of our lives.  For our Download Day, I'm giving you something wintery,  just like the scene outside my window.  You can craft while you stoke up the fire and make yourself a cup of hot chocolate.Enjoy!


Party Like a Rock Star


Cole @ 11 Months