Cole @ 11 Months

Time = Flying By.

That is how I feel as you approach your first birthday.  Almost one year already?  What!!??Coleman, your life is all about action words - one might say that you have a verb-filled existence as an 11-month-old.CRAWLING - like a speedster - you head from my office to Dad's office to all the other rooms of the house, playing as you goLAUGHING - you laugh because you think things are funny but you have perfected the courtesy laugh as well - thanks, sonCRUISING - barely hanging onto furniture, walls, Dad's chair as you walk aroundCLIMBING - up the stairs lightening fast - down the stairs...not so muchEATING - favorite foods: toast, yogurt, pasta, string cheese, treats from DadSNUGGLING - oh wait, you're too interested in looking around to sit and snuggleACTING- you were an excellent Wise Man in our family nativity - even though you refused to give up the frankincense to baby JesusSLEEPING - we could set the clock by you - ready for bed by 7:30 pm and up by 6:30 amWALKING - mastering the art of walking with your shopping cart....really fastKISSING - who doesn't love a nice open-mouth smooch?THROWING - favorite toys are definitely balls that you can bang together, and of course, throw aroundSPLASHING - just turning the water on in the tub gets you laughing and excited for your bathWAVING - you've gone from a high-five move given randomly to an actual wave when we say "hi" - good job, little manTALKING - latest noises: trilling your tongue; growling with joy; still click-click-clicking but on demand now; clearing your throat (we think that's what you're doing); singing to yourself; ma-ma-ma-ma and a whispered da-da-da-da (neither is in the word category yet, though)WATCHING - you want to see what is going on by either craning your neck for a better view or heading to the middle of the action to watch it all go down CHARMING - you have us all wrapped around your little finger with your larger-than-life personality that only grows bigger as the days pass

Cole, if I could bottle up the essence of you I would do it.  I love you little one - and every part of your action-filled life.XOXOforever,Mom


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