Party Like a Rock Star

Party, Party, Party!Since our Every Needful Thing Kickoff Night was on Cole's birthday, we finally had his birthday party on Sunday night.  All of Jason's and my family who live nearby came to celebrate.  I love getting our families together because they are all easy to get along with and it helps us connect.  My mother-in-law knows my sister and brothers' kids and asks about them.  My siblings know who I'm talking about when I share news about Jason's family.  I love the connections.

I have learned some things about in-laws and families joining together through marriage.  I know many people who don't get along with their in-laws and I never understood that.  First of all, Jason and I feel very blessed to have in-laws who have welcomed us in like we were their own children.  But it's a two-way street.  Everyone has to decide that they are going to accept and get along with their new family members.  It doesn't really work if it's just a one-sided effort.Yes, traditions and habits and opinions and behaviors will be different in each family.  That's the point.  Our job, as in-laws, is to welcome the new ideas and blend the families together.  Jason's family always has something yummy called Pumpkin Dessert for Thanksgiving dinner.  I have spent many Thanksgivings with his family because my parents have lived out of the country for many years.  I was surprised the first year that we didn't have an array of pies like my mom always made.  I thought everyone did it the way we did it.  I happened to mention what my mom usually did about the pies to my mother-in-law because she asked about our family traditions.  The next year there were a variety of pies to choose from.  Sophia made the effort to help me feel at home by allowing my family tradition into their family celebration.I've learned over the years that families become a way to interweave people and experiences.  We get to choose if those connections are positive.  There is give-and-take, making concessions for differing ideas and habits, and everyone has to work together to make it happen.  I hope you get to have in-laws that you love as much as I love mine.  Parties are always better when we can all be together.Now that I feel confident using collage storyboards, I'm trying my hand at using digital elements for scrapbooking.  In the above pages I used parts of the Shabby Princess "Happy Go Lucky" collection.  And to make it better - the collection was free!Also, we just got word that our winning essay for Ferring Pharmaceuticals is up on their website - a perfect way to celebrate our one-year-mark with this little miracle.  (click here to see our essay)


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