Book Proof Unveiling

Oh my gosh. 
Is this really happening???!!!

Four days ago I got my KDP account set up to publish our book on Amazon.
Chris helped me check the uploaded manuscript and cover files.
We ordered a couple of proof copies so we can check the printing for real.

They’re here.

Once I approve the proof Chris will create the eBook file.
Then I will click the “Publish” button.
Then it will be purchase-able on Amazon.

We are days away. A week. Maybe two.
I almost can’t believe it.
Except I also totally can!

Many of you are already signed up for our newsletter - so, you will know first when it’s available for purchase. Of course you will! 
We have outgrown our previous newsletter service and website 🙌🏻🙌🏻 so everything looks new these days.
You’ll love it.
Watch your email inbox.
You’ll be the first to get the link to buy the book (I’ve got you👊🏻).

And if you’re not signed up yet, no problem. Just use this link and enter your email address. You’ll be on the list.

Otherwise, you’ll hear it here - second.😉
And second is still pretty close to first, right?

The proofs are here.
The book is actually coming.
Thanks for being with me every step of the way.
We love you.💙✊🏻


Where’s that Silver Lining, Again?


“You Should Buy a Copy”