Where’s that Silver Lining, Again?


There was a guy coming out of Walmart behind me. Not sure if he was talking to me, on the phone, or just speaking to the world at large...

He said, “There’s always a silver lining.
And I just always find myself landing on it!”

I replied, “That’s awesome!”
But I wish I had also thought to take a selfie with him.

It kind of sounds like his silver lining is sort of magical. Something he just finds himself experiencing regularly just because he’s a lucky guy.
But I know that’s not true.
It’s his thoughts.
He has decided that silver linings are his personal landing pad and so he sees them everywhere.
“There’s a silver lining! There’s a silver lining! And another one is right over there! I’m gonna land on it!”

I have this goal I set for myself.
It feels impossible.
I can’t even seem to see the steps I should take to accomplish it.

The funny thing is that I’ve already done this particular thing one time just a few weeks ago.
But I still think that repeating it is impossible.
Because the first time it happened feels kind of like it was magical.
Like an accident. Something that just fell out of the sky and randomly found its way into my lap. Like I didn’t really do anything to create it so, how could I actually do it again? This time on purpose?

But what if that isn’t true?
What if it wasn’t magical at all and I actually did some very specific things that first time?
And what if I can repeat those same things over and over to get the same result?
What if I didn’t think it was impossible?
What then?

I’ll accomplish my goal, that’s what.

The silver linings are out there, folks - just waiting for us to believe that we can land on them.
Happy Flying! 💙✊🏻


What I Haven’t Felt…


Book Proof Unveiling