The Option to Feel


I used to believe I had all the power.
I had the power to make Coleman feel a certain way.
I had the power to make Jason do a certain thing.
My power never seemed to actually work, though.
They still felt what they felt and did what they did. No matter what I did to make them do it my way.
And I felt frustrated, angry, irritated or fearful.

But in trying to exercise my power on Jason and Coleman, I also gave my real power away.
I thought that social media had the power to make me feel inadequate as a mom. Like I was doing it wrong.
I thought that the school board had the power to make me feel angry because of certain pandemic decisions.
I thought that my family had the power to make me feel stressed or anxious or overwhlemed.

Then I learned the truth about power.
I have all power...for me.
Everyone else has all power...for them.

I get to have thoughts about situations.
Those thoughts create a feeling in me.
I then take some kind of action based on the feeling I have created.
Everyone else gets the same power.

Therefore, I don't have the power to make Coleman feel or do anything.
And he doesn't have power to make me feel or do anything, either.
Social media doesn't have that power.
My mom doesn't have that power.
Coworkers or neighbors don't have that power.
A pandemic doesn't have that power.
Only me.
I have the power to feel anything I want.

That's what I felt when I learned this.
That's what I help my clients feel, too.

Now that's power.βœŠπŸΌπŸ’™


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