Why We Tell Stories

Jason and I are storytellers.
We look at life metaphorically, finding a message in the little snippets of daily experience.

This is actually a powerful tool of positivity for us.
The story we tell ourselves drives how we feel. Learning something from our individual moments shapes what emotion we feel.
Perhaps we feel grateful or happy or joyful. Those are all part of feeling positive.
But those aren’t the only feelings we consider “positive.”
Seeing meaning in a difficult situation helps us feel purposeful.
Seeing humankind reach out to lift up helps us feel hopeful.
Seeing the hand of deity when we are broken helps us feel comforted.
These are still just stories we tell ourselves.

I’m even deliberately telling this story with Jason in the present tense.
Because I see him as a storyteller still.
We are a team.
And when I think thoughts like that, I feel connected to him.
This is the powerful story I’m telling myself and now telling you.

I’ve been putting together some very short videos to teach about life coaching principles.
I tried one that just introduced some info. I did a good job explaining, but it didn’t feel right.
I deleted it and I changed it to a story. That felt right. True. Natural.
Then the ideas came freely.
So, I made a few more videos.
Because Jason and I are storytellers.
We like thinking in stories and teaching in stories and living in stories.

We all have stories we tell ourselves. Thoughts about how we interpret the world.
How do your stories make you feel?
Maybe you want to rewrite some of those stories. It’s totally possible.

Enjoy one of my latest video stories.✊🏻💙


That is so freeing…


The Office