Why I Love Influencers

Coleman was asked to be the MC for his Sixth Grade Graduation.
He practiced the words that the teacher wrote out for him.
I said, “It’s ok if you cheer or something. This is graduation.”
He looked at me like I was crazy and said, “Mom, I’m not doing that.”

For the first section of the program, Coleman went completely by the book. 
Then the next time he got up, someone in the crowd gave him a cheer.
Feeling permission to get into the spirit of it all, Coleman went from a straight-laced delivery to yelling into the microphone, “Let’s go Sixth Grade!”

He just needed permission.
From someone who wasn’t his mom.

Way back when Jason and I lived in Connecticut, I was a tutor.
I helped teens in our town catch up on their work, nurtured them when they didn’t quite understand the concepts, and taught them skills for succeeding in school.
I would ask the parents what they wanted for their students and repeat those things back to their child.

They listened to me.
Because I wasn’t their mom.

Wise parents didn’t take this personally. They embraced it.
They recognized that the message they wanted their child to listen to might be received better coming from someone other than them.
They looked around for a person who might be a better delivery system. A coach. A church leader. An aunt or uncle. A tutor.

Then they acted surprised when their child told them about these words of wisdom from me. Words that were first given to me by mom, herself!

Coleman wasn’t interested in my idea to give a cheer at Sixth Grade Graduation.
But he was all-in when someone else encouraged him to do the exact same thing.
And no, I wasn’t offended.
I didn’t take it personally that he didn’t listen to me. I decided to be grateful that someone else influenced him in the way that seemed perfect to me.

I love influencers. 
People who link arms with me to encourage, teach, and support our son.
Thanks for the influence. 
Let’s go Sixth Grade!✊🏻💙

Are you ready to learn how to not take stuff so personally, too? I’ve got you. That’s one of the ways I help women. Let me know if you’re ready for a chat about letting go of the struggle.💪🏻


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