What if time is a feeling?

Q: How do you feel about time?


I’m going to say some statements and I want you to tune into what you are feeling when you read each one.


Do one at a time.


Let’s go.


“I work when I’m working and I don’t work when I’m not working.”


“I am 100% present with my family when I’m with them.”


“I feel completely calm and joyful about how I spend my time.”


“I don’t have to work hard to create success.”


Ok, how did that go?

Stuff like that is fun for me.

I love teaching my clients how to tune into the emotions they have when they think a certain thought.

It gives us so much valuable data!


What were some of the emotions you felt?

Uncomfortable ones?

Did you feel resistant to any of those statements?

Did you feel doubtful? Confident? Empowered? Ashamed?


Here’s the deal. These feelings and thoughts are where time creation lives.


We reclaim our time when we manage our minds.

And the first step in managing our minds is to RECOGNIZE the things that we are thinking - in our minds.


All of our feelings come from a thought we are having.

Since our minds release chemicals that create emotions in our bodies, what you feel in your body is one way to figure out what you are thinking in your mind.


Once we are aware of what is happening in our minds, we can do something with it.

Because we can’t work with something we don’t even realize is there.

Active Awareness of what thoughts you are thinking is a power-punch you can use right now.


Start recognizing what thoughts you are having.

Then question them.

Consider: What if that thought isn’t true?

Cast doubt on it.


You don’t have to believe every thought that comes through.

Even if you are used to believing it and it feels super true to you.

It’s still a thought that you get to decide to believe or not.


You can choose to think anything you want about your time.


Creating more time happens through managing your mind.


Manage your mind. Reclaim your time.

Sending love,



This is how to bring the future into NOW.


What if the system isn’t the solution?