Want a Jason Nugget?

Jason has decided to follow me (ha, I was first for once!) and start a blog.  He's been talking about it for awhile and has seen how easy it was for me to use Wordpress so he has jumped on board.If you like little messages that are thoughtful and inspiring - and you like a good storyteller - then check it out.  He's one of the best storytellers I know.www.jasonhall.comI designed the header for him and I have to admit, I think it looks totally FAB.  I'm not at proficient at Photoshop as I am in Illustrator so this was a little bit of a leap for me.Jason is a great example of this quote personified:

I want the [world] to know that I was really here and that I really lived.  -Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Check it out.  And leave a comment if you want - he loves that!Enjoy!


Me and Martha


Overwhelmed? Plan of Attack.