Me and Martha

Now that we are settled in our new home and my morning sickness is a thing of the past,  Jason really wanted to have the "First Annual Hall Invitational" for our families.  We golfed 9 holes of our course first then had a BBQ.  I have to say that since we have been in "temporary housing" for quite a few years and haven't had space to accommodate everyone, I am a little rusty when it comes to throwing parties.So, I was proud of myself that our plans for our deck were perfect.  We fit 22 people out there - sitting - to eat.  And there was still room for a "Jason Path" which of course, I'm always thinking about.  I loved having us all together because that's the point, isn't it?

In honor of the occasion I decided to team up with Martha Stewart and make party favor treats with her "test tubes" out for Halloween.  I fell in love with these little guys and knew that everyone (old and young) would like a little treat for the road.  Since we had a lot of adult males coming, I kept the embellishments simple and stamped a little "HC" logo on the label (our families: Hall and Coleman).  Then I wrapped some hemp around them, filled them with treats and called it good.If you can still get your hands on these little plastic favors then grab them (check Michaels) because they are a hit for any event.  The sticker labels come Halloween-oriented but are easy to adapt for anything.  I'm adjusting the stamp and keeping the extra ones on hand to give to neighbors or hand out when ever I have a chance over the next few weeks.  Of course, I'm keeping one right here by me, though!Nerds anyone?  Skittles?  M&Ms?  Take your pick.


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