Try Some Stuff (Part II)



I have a story that I have been telling myself for years when facing anything new.

Old story: 
I don’t know what I’m doing.
I’ve never done this before.
It’s out of my comfort zone.
I’m totally nervous because I don’t know how.
This is just normal for me – I don’t like new things.

But then a friend pointed out this story to me.
I was so surprised to realize that it was just a story in my head instead of truth.
Because it felt so truthfully true!

Then she offered that maybe I didn’t have to  keep believing the old story.
I began trying out a different one instead.

Different story:
I’m just going to try some stuff.

This new story was hard to swallow at first.
It was hard to trust that it would be ok to believe it.
It was hard to think that I could “just try some stuff” and see what happened. That I would figure it out. Without being paralyzingly nervous because I didn’t know what I was doing.

My brain rebelled:
“I like knowing what I’m doing! I don’t like new things! Of course I get nervous! It’s just who I am!”

maybe not.
Maybe it’s not who I am.
Maybe it’s not set in stone, this belief that I should be nervous because I’ve never done it before.

I’ve been letting that thought wiggle around in my brain a bit. Loosening my belief of what I thought was true.

And things are shifting.
I find myself saying, “I’m just going to try some stuff” more and more often. About coaching and parenting, about traveling and money and lots of other life situations.
“Let’s just try it.”
“Maybe that will work. Let’s see.”
“We’ll figure it out.”

I’m working on it.
I’ve even started relaxing into this new story. And feeling a little more free. A little more excited about the new thing. Sometimes nervous but a little less encumbered by a story that I’ve always believed was true…but really isn’t.
And it’s weird, but my comfort zone is even  kind of expanding. Getting bigger. Allowing more in it.

I didn’t expect that.

I’m trying some stuff.
As a mom. As an entrepreneur. As a coach.
With my church service and my relationships and my day to day life.
Maybe it’ll work. Maybe it won’t. I’m just going to see.
And we’ll figure it out. ✊🏻💙


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