Try Some Stuff


I’m halfway through The Life Coach School certification program.

We are supposed to practice coaching.
We practice on our classmates in peer coaching sessions.
We practice on our friends and acquaintances in “client” sessions.

At first I was really nervous.
I resisted making appointments.
I resisted setting up calls.
I had only one client session under my belt.
It seemed like I was a terrible coach during that session!
I felt like I failed her.

Then I was coached by my peer.
About my nervousness.
And my perceived failure.
She said, “Just look at you! You’re getting out there and trying it!”

And something clicked.
I love learning.
But here I was, missing out on loving learning to be a coach.
Because I was solely focused on my nervous drama of learning to be a coach.

I wrote my classmate’s words on my office wall. The dry erase board where my inspiration lives.

“Just look at you! You’re getting out there and trying it!”

And at the top of each lined sheet of paper I use to take coaching notes I write the thought, “I’m just going to try some stuff.”

Because I can’t learn how to be a coach if I don’t try it.
If I don’t fill my schedule more than it’s been filled since Jason died. If I don’t block out time slots and set up Zoom meetings.

And just like that, learning to coach feels fun.
I’m still a little nervous.
But mostly it feels fun.

Sometimes I get it right as a coach.
Sometimes I’m totally wrong.
But I’m just going to try some stuff…
and learn how to be a coach while I do.

Thanks to all of you who have given me the chance to coach you and “just try some stuff.” This journey really is a blast!


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Looking for Evidence