Looking for Evidence


“Look for Christ and you will find Him.”
I just purchased this large framed canvas from rootedandgrounded.com.

I picked it for a specific reason.

Our brains are wired to look for evidence to support the thoughts we have.
If we think that a person is a certain way, our brain will find evidence that it is true.
If we believe that there is nothing good about online school or 2020, our brain will find evidence to support that belief.
If we think that we are unorganized or a procrastinator or can’t stick to a goal or not a good mom…our brains will search for ways to prove that thought right.

But this is true for any thought.
That means if we think that someone has a positive characteristic, our brain will look for evidence to prove that thought is true.
If we believe that there is good that can happen during a pandemic, our brain will see things that support that belief.
If we think that we are capable and courageous and totally enough…our brains will look for ways to support that thought.
Even if we think that hot cocoa bombs are the best invention ever – yes, our brains will look for evidence that this is true.
Empowering us through our thoughts. Strengthening our beliefs.

When I saw this quote from C.S. Lewis, I knew I wanted it hanging in the middle of the most active area of our home.
So I could remember this thought.
And think it often.

The thought that I get to choose to look for Christ.
And when I do, my brain and my heart will look for evidence that He is there.
He’s in everything.
He is everything.

“Look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else.” – C.S. Lewis
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
I love you. And so does He.


Try Some Stuff


Happy Birthday, Jason