Transition to Gray



I’m transitioning.
Moving from one thing to another thing.

It’s uncomfortable.
I’m only 49 years old.
It’s too early to make the transition.

But as my attempts to fix this have required closer and closer appointments, I have to get real.
Be honest with myself.
I can’t keep this up anymore.

I’m transitioning.
To gray.

The front part of my hair is 75% gray.
The crown of my head is closer to 30% and the back is about zero.

But that front part is driving the decision.
As only two weeks went by after my last color and I could see a clear line of gray emerging, I knew that the tough conversation with my stylist had to happen.
Old solutions were no longer working.
What’s next?

The transition.
Have you been there?
Julie gave me some options.
Words like ombré balayage and money parts and natural and demi-something-or-other were thrown around.
We looked up pictures on Pinterest.
She showed me what was possible.

She says my gray is silver.
To me it looks mousy and nondescript.
But I don’t have her view.
She sees it from the top. All angles. She says it’ll be beautiful with my natural brown underneath.

I trust her.
I think that silver and brown look really cool and interesting on Pinterest.
I believe that she can help me get something cool and interesting, too.
Less maintenance
More natural.

I was really bummed going into my appointment. Knowing that the current strategy wasn’t working anymore. That I needed to consider a different plan.
But now I’m kind of excited.
Will it work? I don’t know.
Will I like it? I’m not sure.
But transition always seems to require us to look at the unknown. To take a step into the murky question marks.
To try on some faith.
To trust someone with a higher view.

And maybe it’ll be really cool and interesting when we get there.✊🏻💙


English Muffin


Arm of Mercy is Extended