This Family Believes in Miracles

This family believes in miracles.
When Jason was in a life-threatening car accident twenty-three years ago, his body filled with fluid.
The respiratory therapist was called in to suction his lungs to enable him to breathe.
And called again.
And again.
Over and over that therapist came to the ICU to relieve Jason of fluid.
The doctor said that he wouldn’t live through the night.
Our family, our friends, our neighborhood and extensions of each of those joined in prayer and fasting for Jason.
For healing.
The next day, fluid began draining from his body.
And he lived.
Jason’s hospital stay after that miracle lasted for thirteen months, with ten years of surgeries and recovery.
God did not fix it all.
He did not take it away.
Jason did not roll out of the hospital a week later, with strong lungs and a spring in his step.
But he lived.
For twenty-three awesome more years, he lived.
And for those twenty-three years we saw more miracles.
💙We paid off our medical debt.
💙We saved enough to build a fully-accessible home.
💙My business was sold in the nick of time.
💙In-vitro fertilization actually worked when the deck was stacked against us.
💙Coleman was created.
💙Jason survived septic infections.
💙My body recovered from the massive trauma of gallstone pancreatitis.
And those are just some of the big ones.
We have learned how to recognize coincidences and good luck for what they are.
God’s hand in our lives.
Join us in a Worldwide Day of Fasting tomorrow.
On a weekend when we celebrate the greatest miracle in history.
Jesus Christ died for us.
And now, He lives.
Jason died.
And he will live.
I will live.
We all will live again.
I invite you to pray and fast with us this weekend. For miracles.
The miracle of a pandemic controlled.
The miracle of caregivers protected.
The miracle of a strengthened economy.
The miracle of normalized life.
This family believes in miracles.💙✊🏻