This Chair


This chair sits in my office.
In the corner.

I’m learning to be a life coach.
As part of my schoolwork, I’m required to practice coaching with volunteer clients.
Before my first practice coaching session I was really nervous.
Doubts looped in my mind.
Thoughts of failure.
Worry that I wouldn’t be helpful to my practice client.

I sat at my desk ten minutes before the Zoom meeting and Jason came to mind.
The whole year before he died we were working on building our business together.
That required us to be on tons of Zoom calls together.
And to film lots of videos together.
And to plan lots of things together.
All while sitting next to each other.

At the kitchen counter.
At his desk.
In front of the camera.
We literally sat together more than we had our entire marriage.

So, there I was.
Sitting at my desk. Which is located in exactly the same spot as his desk was.
Waiting to tune into a Zoom call.
Missing him.
Just wanting my partner to sit next to me.

I looked up and spotted the chair in the corner.
Then I moved it.
Right next to me.
For my Zoom call.
My imagination easily bringing Jason along with it.

The chair was just out of the shot of my computer’s camera.
Right next to me.
And I’m kind of wanting to just leave it there.

This chair. I’m grateful for it.💙✊🏻



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