Apple Support



It’s always technology problems that bring that white hot flash of impatience, even anger, because Jason isn’t here to help me.

My phone calendar and contacts have  never synced properly with my computer.
Some user error has kept my laptop calendar deceptively empty and my contacts living in the barren land of non-updating.

Now that I’m scheduling coaching sessions, it would be helpful to see a larger version of my calendar.
It’s hard to keep track of it all on my little phone screen.
But my phone calendar and contacts aren’t syncing with my laptop.

I felt that familiar anger rise up inside my chest.
This time, I breathed deeply and called Apple Support.
When I really just wanted to call Jason Support.

I prefaced our conversation with, “My husband died last year and he always did this stuff.”
Just so the Apple advisor would be extra patient with his customer who had no clue.

And he was. Patient, I mean.
And helpful. And knowledgeable. And efficient. And clear.
And compassionate.

He shared my phone screen.
He shared my computer screen.
He used an arrow to point out where I should click as he walked me through solutions.

My contacts now sync perfectly.
And so does my calendar.
When each day in November began populating with events from my phone, I was so surprised that I cheered out loud. And called the support guy a miracle worker.

The call ended.
My hands went in the air.
My head thrown back as I shouted a triumphant, “Yes!”
He fixed it.

I’ve called Apple Support four times in the last two weeks. Yes, I’m that person.
I click on that website button where they call you right back. I feel like the whole thing was invented for me.
Every time the advisor has helped me solve my tech problem.
Every time they have been patient.
Every time they have taught me things that Jason already knew.

The flash of anger that comes with computer or phone problems is beginning to dissipate.
That part of grief doesn’t hold me as tightly as it used to.

I really want Jason Support.
But Jason isn’t here.
And I still need support to make life work.

So I’ll just keep taking deep breaths and calling Apple.✊🏻💙

Customer service kindness.


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