The Book is Live!

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The book is live!
Jason dreamed of writing a book during the 9,855 days we were married.
He gathered his stories. Thought about how it would be organized. Created bits of chapters and rough drafts.

Finally, we hired editors to help.
I got involved.
Progress was made.
Then Jason died in the middle of it.

So, I decided to take over his dream.

But now it is ours.
Not just his stories and messages and experiences. But mine, too.
Interwoven together to create the whole. JasonandKolette. KoletteandJason. You can say it as one word because it’s what we became. It’s what the book is.

Jason died 650 days ago.
But his dream of 27 years didn’t.
⭐️ The book just went live and you can buy it NOW on Amazon here.

Hey Jason, the dream. It just happened.βœŠπŸ»πŸ’™

🎁 My 50th birthday is March 12.
I’ve decided that this book is what Jason is giving me.
Giving our son.
Giving YOU!
Happy Birthday to me!


Doing the Impossible


The Food Pantry