Doing the Impossible

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An impossible thing happened last weekend.
No, it wasn’t that our book was finally available to buy on Amazon🙌🏻 (accomplishing that was totally awesome, but it never felt impossible to me).

It was my friend. She did the impossible.

A year ago Brie set a goal to learn photography.
That’s not the impossible part.
Her goal also included showing her work in an exhibition.
She planned to travel the world to capture her photos. Costa Rica. Iceland. The cool places that photographers love to go.
Then a pandemic happened and the world closed.
She traveled to state parks instead.
She went to the places she could go.
Practiced her skills.
And found the beauty there.
Some of it in her own backyard.

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The Palouse - Washington State

my favorite of Brie’s photographs

Then came time for the exhibition.
Most would probably convince themselves that this wasn’t the year for it.
Maybe next year.
At least she learned photography, right? That’s good enough.

But it wasn’t enough for Brie.
She was going for the impossible.
So she learned to edit her photos.
Bought a large paper printer.
Learned to print them.
Mount them.
Frame them.
And display them.
In her house.
Which turned into a gallery last weekend.
I mean, really! They built those cedar walls!
Who does that???

Brie does that.
Because she set an impossible goal and decided to actually go for it.

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I flew to Austin to help.
I was in charge of following Brie around, being there during the setup, and eating tacos and Texas BBQ.
It was her impossible goal!!
Of course I was going to be there!

She sent invitations.
People came to the show.
Gushed over their favorites.
Marveled that she actually created an exhibition of her work.

Brie decided she would not be deterred.
And so last weekend I witnessed the impossible.

I’m in the middle of my own impossible goal.
More on that later.
Ever consider creating one for yourself?✊🏻💙

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The Headstone is Here


The Book is Live!