So I'm Doing a Thing.



I’ve decided something.
I’ve been thinking about it for about six months.
But it felt too overwhelming six months ago.
Now it doesn’t.
It feels exciting.
With some nervousness thrown in.
It feels right.
It feels like growth.
Growth that I can tackle.
Not a full-time commitment. A me-time commitment.
What I can do. Right now. At this point in the grieving process. At this point in my life.

A year ago two people recommended a podcast to me.
One friend said, “I think you’ll like it. She sounds like you.”
That began my relationship with Jody Moore. Life Coach.

I have a therapist who I have used for years. He focuses on mindfulness, hypnosis and holistic approaches to helping me change my thoughts and behavior.

Because the mind is a powerful tool.
And I want my mind working for me.
He helps me let go of things that are holding me back. Things that I can’t quite seem to set down by myself.
He taught me how to feel my feelings and be ok with them.
This prepared me to navigate grief with more peace and confidence.
Will is a rockstar.

When I started listening to Jody Moore’s podcast, I thought, “This sounds like Will.”
Another voice talking about the same things.
The power of our thoughts.
How feelings are products of those thoughts.
How action stems from those feelings we create.
And how we have control over all of them.
It resonated.

I found myself wanting to learn more. Listen more. Practice the strategies more. Use the tools more.
Become better.
So I’m doing a thing.
I’m going to The Life Coach School.

I don’t really want to be a life coach.
I know. That sounds weird.
But it’s true.
I just want to be a better me. I want to master the strategies. I want to use the tools. I want to practice all of it so that it becomes second-nature.
In ALL areas of my life – not just grief.

When this picture was taken 28 years ago, I didn’t know that I would teach elementary school, earn a Masters degree then switch gears to become a licensed artist in the craft industry.
The possibilities have always been wide open.

I don’t think I want to be a life coach.
But I can’t wait to discover the unknown opportunities that come because of it.
The possibilities are still wide open.💙✊🏻


I Just Want to Talk to Him


First Day of School