First Day of School



Since Coleman started going to school, I have driven him almost twenty minutes to get there.
About 17 elementary schools are closer to our house than the one I drove him to every day.
But Jason and I felt great about the program he was in. His teachers were literally…amazing. Friends were awesome. And Coleman loved going to school.
That school situation was totally the right choice for Coleman.

Until maybe it wasn’t.

Maybe our goals can shift.
Maybe we can decide that something different is important right now.
Maybe we can be brave enough to make a big change.

We toured our neighborhood school with the principal a couple of weeks ago.
Mr. H made Coleman feel like a million bucks.
Sixth grade. Last year of elementary school. We thought about what was right for him. Right now.

We decided that Coleman is going to switch to our neighborhood school.
Our reason? To help him add to his rock-solid group of friends before entering junior high next year.
That’s it.
Oh wait…and to have a blast.
That too.

I wave goodbye to him from the driveway as he scooters, walks or rides his bike each morning.
He and his buddies make plans to meet up before and after school.
If he needs something, I’m three minutes away instead of twenty.
We are connected to the neighborhood. We know what’s happening. We’re in the loop.
I love all of that.
And lucky us, Principal H has been added to our “Positive Male Influences in Coleman’s Life” list.👊🏻


The first day of school, Coleman and I rode our bikes.

We waved to neighbors.

We chatted with friends.

We were met by his awesome principal dressed in a white tuxedo, blasting the Kiss classic 🎶”I wanna rock and roll all nite...and party ev-er-y day”🎶 from speakers set up in front of the school.

It was awesome! 

Coleman just finished his first week.

Two days in-person and three days remote learning.

For Coleman, he speaks the same language as his rockin’ principal - school is basically a party ev-er-y day!🎵

We’re making a big change.

We’re choosing to be brave.

And I think we’re going to love it.💙✊🏻


So I'm Doing a Thing.

