
Coleman  - SJH Shoelaces.jpg

Coleman turned twelve in January.
In our church, twelve-year-old boys do a thing to help out the congregation during the worship service.
Remember how in the Bible Jesus gave the sacrament to his disciples?
We do that in our church.
Young men choose to be responsible for preparing the bread and water, blessing it and passing it to the congregation.

It was finally Coleman’s turn.
He learned what to do and was ready.
He set an alarm to leave the house early for church because he was supposed to be there 10 minutes before the service started.
He was looking sharp in his suit. His new dress shoes were the last thing to put on before he headed out the door.

Coleman likes his shoelaces double-knotted so he can be free from the “hassle” of retying them throughout the day (Duh).
These laces were short. I had to help him with the double knot. I said, “Let’s order some longer ones on Amazon.”
Then we forgot to order them.

The next Sunday came.
Repeat the scenario.
We forgot again.

Finally, after six weeks of double-knotting short laces, I said, “I bet Dad’s will work.”

Jason’s dress shoes sit in our closet. They are now missing the laces.
Because they are the perfectly longer length needed for Coleman’s shoes.
And as Coleman walks between the pews at church, offering socially-distanced pieces of bread and small sips of water in tiny individual cups, I think Jason is feeling pretty proud to be walking with his son.✊🏻💙


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