Pointy Side Up

I am a novice gardener.  I'm not even sure we could call it being a gardener at all because I'm so unskilled - but I'm going to try.So Jason and I went to the nursery to purchase bulbs and pansies for the spring.  My sister Kara (who is a landscaping genius) said to get a good amount of bulbs and pansies.  Knowing that the artist in me loves things to look full and balanced, we brought home some bags of crocuses (I love how they come up first), 155 tulips, 50 daffodils and 3 flats of pansies.  I wasn't taking any chances that it wouldn't make an impact next spring.But all of this didn't happen before having to become educated at the store that "Narcissi" meant "daffodil," however.  Yep - that's our skill level.Our soil was prepared.  We placed each bulb where we wanted them and started digging - no bulb planters for my sister.  She has a good system with her trusty trowel.  Dig, pull, push, drop down the bulb with the pointy side up.  Dig pull, push, drop down the bulb with the pointy side up.I found myself saying, "Pointy side up.  Pointy side up.  Pointy side up." with each bulb to in order to give it the correct send off to be successful and keep the roots heading in the right direction.I know what it will look like in the spring.  I chose flowers with varying heights, colors that coordinated together and textures that would keep the look interesting.  I can envision the end result even though all we can see right now are a few spindly pansy stems in the middle of some freshly nurtured dirt.While planning the planting Kara asked, "Do you want to place them for the neighbors to see or do you want to place them for you?"  My choice...the fruits of our labor will be right out our home office windows.  Of course, it will look nice driving up as well but this bed of flowers is for us.  We will get to witness the first hope that spring brings as we look outside our windows at the growth coming up through the earth.Isn't this what working toward a goal is all about?  Hope that our efforts will pay off in some way that is meaningful and fulfilling?

Our success in accomplishing anything worthwhile is based on our ability to envision the outcome and pursue it.  -kh

We have done our part.  We have seen the potential that this gardening space can have and worked to make that vision possible.  Now all I have to do is water the plants by hand if it doesn't rain or snow, and anticipate the color that will come to life in 6 months.Hope.  It's the foundation of our motivation to work.  Hope that something significant is at the end of the journey.


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Garage Gratitude