Garage Gratitude

This is the first winter we will face in our new home.  As we were hit with an early storm this weekend and a few inches of snow landed on us, I told Jason, "I'm so thankful for our garage."Because of Jason's car accident 10 years ago, we lived with his parents for a while in Connecticut to get some help with his care once he left the hospital.  We thought we would be there for 6 months but due to many surgeries and additional hospital stays...and because we ended up loving it there...we sold our home in Utah and lived in CT for about 5 years.  Some of the time with his parents but mostly in our own rental places.   Then when we moved back to Utah we rented an apartment while we were building our new home.  It's been about 9 years that we have been living in various forms of "temporary" housing.Each one with heavy snow winters and each one without a garage space.

As I watch the snow melt today and know that we will still have another month or more before real winter sets in for us - I don't want to forget how it felt to open up our garage this weekend and drive away without having to run out in my PJs and snow boots to warm up the car and scrape the windows beforehand.I know that once winter comes for real and the snow starts to accumulate, I might be tempted to grumble with annoyance that the city plows haven't come yet or that they have blocked in our mailbox or that there is ice on the driveway.  In those moments I want to remember how I feel today.  Grateful for a garage.Remind me of this post if you start to hear me complain.  One thing is for sure, no matter how prepared we think we are, there will always be snow to bog us down or ice to hinder our progression.  The key to happiness is to remember what we have......without just wishing that the driveway was shoveled or the street was plowed.


Pointy Side Up


Season for Change