The Challenge-free Life


My client moved into her new house. Hooray!
Her niece had just done the same thing.
My client came to her session feeling discouraged and down.
She said, "My niece has every moving box unpacked and put away already. She showed me a picture."

My client thought that she should be farther along in the unpacking process.
She thought she was doing it wrong. Or not enough. Or was behind.
From these thoughts she felt discouraged and ashamed and small.

She told her niece about our session. Her niece laughed and said, "I only have one room unpacked! I just showed you that one room!"

Did you know that it's possible to just skip the discouragement and shame and self-judgment?
Let's decide to believe that everyone has rooms full of unpacked clutter.
Spaces in their lives where it's disorganized or overflowing or negleted.
Moving boxes stacked up somewhere, waiting to be put away.📦

That's reality, sis.
No one gets a completely clean and challenge-free life.
It's the point of being here.

What if we skip the self-judgment next time our brains offer us the thought, "You should be farther along by now."

You are exactly the right far along.
I love you right where you are.💙


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