Look Up

Are things looking up?  With the recession and all that comes with it, it is challenging to keep your head afloat, much less maintain a positive attitude.  I had yet another friend let me know that she is looking for work to combat these tough economic times.  I find it discouraging in my business to continually have to work harder for less.  Everyone is pinching pennies, tightening their belts, and making ends meet.I'm taking a photography workshop at Big Picture Scrapbooking called "Picture Spring" by Tracey Clark of shuttersisters.com.  More than technique, it is simply a workshop of great inspiration as we attempt to capture spring in a new, beautiful way.  As I was prompted by Tracey to "Look Up" and photograph the sky, I was able to capture this physical reminder from nature itself that there is always blue sky, even among the clouds.How are things looking up for you?  Maybe your circumstances have remained unchanged.  Maybe your financial situation is not as rosy as you would like.  Maybe you are dealing with family issues, health concerns, or just juggling daily life.  Many times these adversities cause us to shrink into ourselves, keeping our eyes down with exhaustion, concern and even fear.But hope is the warrior against fear.  The strong, immovable sense of being that overcomes adversity and helps us see the blue sky peeking out from around the clouds and feel a little warmth of sunshine on our faces.  Look up, my friends!  Look up!  What do you see?


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