Like Zach



We had ONE chance to see a BYU football game live this season.
Not our normal seats.
Not our normal attire.
Not the normal number of fans.
But still really fun in its non-normal way.

And now I’ve been watching the BYU Equipment Truck Tracker on Twitter as it’s made its way across the country for a last minute game scheduled with ranked Coastal Carolina. What??!!!

Zach Wilson is our quarterback.
Two years ago Jason, Coleman and I were sitting on the 5-yard line at Boise State when Zach had a misread on the final play and didn’t make it into the end zone right in front of us. We lost.


This year, with the support of talented teammates, Zach has unexpectedly risen in the notice of the college football nation.
He is now predicted to be drafted in the top ten NFL picks as a junior and is a Heisman trophy contender.
He is accurate and creative and quick on the field.

It’s a love fest as ESPN commentators talk about him during the games.
Yes, Zach is skillful on the field.
But that’s not only what the commentators talk about.

🏈 They gush over how much film he watches.

Past BYU film, the next opponent’s film, top ranked team’s film. He is always watching film.

🏈 They tell and retell about how he goes the distance to be coached.

During the off season, Zach drove each weekend down to California for specialized coaching from former Cougar, John Beck.

🏈 They love his work ethic. He gets in the reps.

I want to be like Zach.

I’ve had lots of thoughts and feelings about becoming a life coach.
“It is new” = nervous
“I don’t know what I’m doing” = unsure
“I have no clue” = petrified

But I’ve also thought about Zach. And his formula for success:
Watch film.
Get coached.
Get in the reps.

I want to feel something different about myself as a life coach so I’ve decided to try on this thought instead:
“I’m going to be like Zach.”
What do I feel when I think that? Bold.

👊🏻 Now I tune in to other coach’s podcasts and calls to watch what they do.

👊🏻 I get coached 1-2 times every week and self-coach almost every day to work on my mind game.

👊🏻 And I have a goal to coach 80 practice client sessions by the end of my program.

BYU football is a 100% Jason-memory for me.
This year, I’m not only following the Truck Tracker, but I’m following the quarterback’s example.
Because I want to be like Zach.

Go Cougs!✊🏻💙


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