
Have you watched the series The Chosen?
I admit, I’m a little late to this party.
Maybe you are, too.
I heard so many good recommendations about it but then kept forgetting to tune in.

I finally started it a couple weeks ago.
There are many beautiful moments of love and peace and hope and compassion.
It is interesting.
I like it. Even when Jesus says things like, “Not too shabby.” I’m sure he said the 30 AD Hebrew equivalent at some point, right?

We were watching the part when Jesus first began performing miracles in public.
He was teaching from the doorway of a house and the crowd gathered was large.
Four people brought their friend to see Jesus.
The friend was sick with palsy. Paralyzed.

When they couldn’t get him through the crowd, they opted to open the roof and lower their friend down to Jesus.
They were full of faith.
The Savior forgave the man of his sins and then said, “Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way.”
He did.

I asked Coleman, “Those were good friends to do all that. What if that were Dad? How far would you go to get him to Jesus?”

He looked at me and said, “All the way.”

I love visual enactments of the healing miracles of the Jesus Christ.
I love the physical action of faith as a person comes to Him.
I love the tenderness that I see in His eyes and hands as He touches them.
I love the way the Savior embraces them afterward. The tears and smiles that are shared.
The joy.

It isn’t hard for me to imagine being in that moment. To feel what it would be like to be near the Master Healer.
What would Jason and I have done if we heard of Jesus?
How far would we have gone to be near Him? To be healed by Him?

All the way.

So, what about now?
Jesus does not live nearby.
I cannot visit Him or see Him or hear His voice from the doorway.
What does it look like to be near the Master Healer in my life?

I’m reflecting on this. Pondering. Opening myself up to personal revelation about it.
And asking myself the same question I asked Coleman: 
“How far am I willing to go to be near Him?”

Thoughts will come. Answers will be whispered. Reassurances of current efforts will be given.

How far am I willing to go?

All the way.💙✊🏻


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