Happy 49th, Jas

🎂The Big Day.

My emotions have been buzzing the entire month of December.
Close to the surface.
Flowing freely all month long.

But not so much because of Christmas.
Christmas was a day of new memories, family and great peace.
We stayed the night with my sister’s family.
Coleman had the time of his life skiing with his big cousins on Christmas Day while us sisters met our parents at the theater to see the chick flick, “Little Women.”
It was the perfect way to spend our new Christmas.

No, December hasn’t been hard because of Christmas.
It’s because of the day AFTER.
The day Jason considered a second national holiday.

His birthday.

He loved having his birthday the day after Christmas! His parents made a big deal of it growing up so he continued to think it was a big deal his whole life.

And why not?
People were still off work and out of school. Family was around and ready to keep celebrating.
So we did.
Movies and dinner and Pistachio Dessert with candles to blow out.
Grandma Hall’s tradition to go around the table and say what you love about the birthday person.

Jason’s birthday is an event.
And that’s why it’s been at the front of my mind all month.

Coleman and I created new memories for Christmas yesterday.
But today, his birthday, it just feels right to do the old stuff. The Jason stuff.
📽Back-to-back movies in the theater for a Hall Movie Marathon.
🌮Dinner together.
Sharing memories and why we love Jason.
Grandma, Grandpa and Jason’s sister’s family. All of the Halls who live here in Utah. Together.
It just feels right.

I want to be with the people who are feeling exactly what I’m feeling today.
We’ll do this national holiday together.

Happy 49th birthday to the guy who loved to be celebrated. Today is your day.

I love you.


New Year. New Memory.


Let Your Heart Be Light