The Unimaginable

Coleman is in the thick of performing in “Joseph...” this week, so the fact that Jason and I are Broadway junkies has been floating around in my memories.

Yes, we saw Hamilton.
Yes, we loved Hamilton.

I liked some of the songs before we saw it but liked all of it after.
It took me seeing it to figure out what they were rapping about.🤷🏻‍♀️

There’s this one song.
It’s late in the show so I hadn’t listened to it much.
But when I heard it and saw it in real Broadway-show life, its message was powerful. Beautiful. Merciful. And so sad.

“It’s Quiet Uptown.”
A song of grief.
A song of forgiveness.
A song of hope.

I listened to it today.
Jason loved that show.
I loved that show.

But a son dies.
And that song.
The grief.
You can feel it.
I feel it.

“If you see him in the street
Walking by himself, talking to himself, have pity.
He is working through the unimaginable.”

I listened again.
Because I like the remembering.
I like that Jason fills my mind.
I like remembering us in his van listening to the soundtrack and then in the theater, so excited to finally be watching it in person.
I don’t mind the tears that come with the memories.
I like those, too.
Because it means he is with me.

Coleman and I are doing the unimaginable. Grieving the loss of the person we love most.
And so many others are asked to do this same thing. I hear from you. I read your comments. I get your messages.
We are all doing the unimaginable.

“There are moments that the words don’t reach.
There’s a grace too powerful to name.
Can you imagine?
Can you imagine?”

We are going through the unimaginable.
Perhaps you are, too.
Yet, grace is real. Grace is unending. Grace is powerful.

Grace is imaginable.


Seat C-3


Valentine's Day