Book Cover



I am working on getting the cover of our book done.
Planning a photoshoot.
Hiring a photographer.

Mind drama is running rampant.
I have all kinds of thoughts about this photoshoot:
I won’t look great.
I don’t know what to wear.
I’m not great at doing my hair.
How do I incorporate Jason in a way that isn’t cheesy?
It’s so permanent.
I have to get this right.

I have done self-coaching about these thoughts.
I’ve had others coach me.
I’ve done thought work and journaling and tried to just allow my emotions.

I want to feel confident.
I want to be expressive.
I want to shine with light.
I want to tell a story.
I want to get it right.

Jason dreamed of writing a book our entire 27-year marriage.
This is it.
We did it.
Now I need the cover.

Here’s the thought I had yesterday.
Jason wants to be on there.
Of course he does.
And he wants me to be there, too.
Seeing myself like he has seen me since 1991.
And exactly right.

I’m working on the cover of our book.
We will be on there together.
Just like we have been for 28 years.

And stay tuned.... it will be exactly right.✊🏻💙


Jason at His Best


Levain Bakery