What are you tolerating?

Q: What are you tolerating? What are you experiencing that you feel like you are just putting up with?


Is it the way your spouse talks to you?

Is it the lack of balance between the time you spend at work and the time you spend with your family?

Is it that certain coworker who isn’t pulling their weight?


What are you tolerating?


And do you want to keep tolerating it?


My clients often realize that they don’t have to just tolerate things in their lives.

But what they don’t realize is that “not tolerating” something doesn’t have to include reacting in anger or strong-arming someone into getting in line.


There is a better way.

We don’t have to just tolerate things in our lives.

And we don’t have to react, either.


This is what my high-achieving clients learn how to do.

They stop “just tolerating it.”

And they stop reacting.


Instead, they learn how to manage their thoughts and behavior.

They learn how to respond instead of react.

They learn how to make aligned decisions in EVERY area of their life.

They do it without reacting in anger or bullying anyone.


You don’t have to just tolerate your communication with your kids.

You don’t have to just tolerate your schedule.

You don’t have to just tolerate your lack of work/life balance.


Your ability to make the money does not have to be in conflict with your ability to create meaningful relationships with those you love.


You do not have to tolerate settling for just one or the other anymore.


Using my Decision Formula, I teach my clients how to move from “just tolerating” things in their lives to thriving in every area of their life.

Work. Family. Time. Money.

No more “just tolerating.”


And it starts with our first session together.


I’m a master teacher.

I know how to break down life-changing ideas and principles into simple but tremendously high-impact steps.


That’s why my clients experience breakthroughs from our first session together.


Coaching one-on-one with me isn’t a meandering through random thoughts and feelings.

It’s not the lukewarm hype of having an accountability partner.

No. It’s much more powerful than that.

Because you are quick to learn.

You thirst for personal development.


Therefore, you are ready to learn how to create the biggest change you can with each conversation we have.


Your growth is immediate.

And your influence becomes exponential.


You don’t need to “just tolerate” things in your life.

There is a better way.


What are you tolerating?


Let’s change that in Q1.

You will never be the same again.

Sending love,



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