Today is a Great Giving Day!

Tomorrow is the beginning of my Big Picture Classes workshop "Giving Well 2011."  I am so excited.  Truly I am.  Every other day I eagerly await the email that pops into my inbox telling me that a new gift project is available in the classroom.  I know what each project is.  I designed it.  I wrote about it.  I photographed it.  But I'm not kidding when I say that I get a bubbly, giddy feeling inside when I click on that link and see what gift idea has come to me.If I get excited, think about how you will feel!  Not only will you be learning how to craft your own gifts, you will be getting a little present in your email box from me that says a new idea is available to you.  Gifts, presents, giving.  I love it all.  Wrap it up in a bow please.  Or baker's twine.  Man, I love that stuff.Nervous that you aren't "crafty" enough for these projects?  Be nervous no more!  Many of these ideas are super-simple and anyone can do them.  I promise.So come.  Now.Register.  Now. (happily click here)Bring your friends and your sisters and your moms and your husbands (I can think of some that like this kind of thing!).  It's a steal for the ideas you get. Thanks for being a part of it.  Thanks for inviting everyone to join you.  After only a couple of days you'll be thanking me for sharing my journey with you.  And I like to be thanked.Hooray for great gifts.  And big bows.  And cute tags.  And telling someone they are special.  Hooray for it all.


Life Has Been a Tiny Bit Crazy the Last 10 Days


Yummy Free Tutorial