The Great Hill

We rode all the way around Central Park last week.

There was a turn-off shortcut thing that we missed. It was clear on the map but we didn’t believe it was the place that the map showed.

So we passed it.
And I felt the consequences of our decision around the bend.

The Great Hill.
I don’t know if that’s what this particular area of the path is called but the area near it was named this so that’s what it will forever be named in my mind.

Because I had to walk my bike for the last half of it.

Some of you could do the Great Hill no problem.
This biker could not.

But we still made it all 6.1 miles for a fun chilly fall activity in the city.

I kept thinking, as I pushed my bike up the hill, “I should have just trusted my gut when I thought we should turn off.”

How often do we do that?
We choose to doubt…. when it’s actually a perfect time to trust ourselves?

I’m working on that.
Listening to my gut.
Then trusting it.
And going for that thing it’s telling me to do.

It’s fine if whatever my gut says works out.
It’s fine if it doesn’t.
I’m just learning to trust it more either way.

And by the way, Coleman crushed the Great Hill.⛰👊🏻💙



