Slide Race

We were in Hawaii a year and a half ago with Jason.
I’m so glad we did that trip.
🏝Coleman and I went back this week.

Every day there are two water slide races at our hotel pool.
Every day Coleman and the cousins do two water slide races.
Every day Coleman comes away with at least one free shave ice coupon for winning in his age category.

He has tricks.
Gets a fast swing into the tube to start.💦
Lifts his heels.👣
Pulls down on his swimsuit hem so it’s doesn’t bunch up.🤷🏻‍♀️
And tries to beat out the other 8-12 year-olds.

“Mom! Come do the slide race!”
The dreaded request came.
My sister-in-law and I headed over.
We raced against one other mom in what the activity leader called the “Young Ladies” age group.😁

Crystal won the shave ice coupon👊🏻.
I won the slowest time of our whole family.
But I was determined to beat my time on the second try.
I swung (a little) into the tube.
I lifted my heels (just a bit).
And plunged into the water at the bottom.

Confident that I had taken at least a tenth of a second off of my time, I eagerly asked our activity leader, “Did I beat my time???!!!”

She look at her clipboard and said enthusiastically, “You did just great!!!!”

I still don’t know what her stopwatch said for that race.
But I’m taking her response!😂

I’m not an expert water slide racer.
I’m slow and cautious and I don’t love hurling down dark enclosed tubes.

But I did it.
And that’s pretty good.
Do I REALLY have to be the fastest to be awesome?

🌈Thanks for the bites of your shave ice, Coleman. Mango, please.😉


Satisfying Stretch


The Elevator