Postpartum: Project 365 of Gratitude

My neighbor offered to pick some things up at the store for me - a small gesture in her mind but an enormous one in mineI admit that I haven't kept up with the journaling part of my Project 365 of Gratitude album during my postpartum issues - I'll get to it (see #2 on my last post).  But I have tried really hard to take photos of things I am grateful for, print them and insert them into my album.  It's interesting to see how the things I am grateful for have reflected my thoughts and feelings of going through this experience of postpartum.  That's the point of the project, I suppose.  Capturing the moment - day by day no matter what is happening.  I have taken photos of things that I never would have thought to preserve before and I'm grateful for the chance it gives me to store the little memories that happen as we journey through the ups and downs of daily life.But the real reason I kept up with my daily photos is because I know how healthy it is to have to remember to be grateful - even when I haven't felt 100%.  Having to find be grateful for is part of the healing process.  Not only does it help us to maneuver through the twists and turns of life but it is the balm we need to overcome the obstacles we face.  Gratitude is the secret weapon for happiness.In my last post I shared some of the mundane things I have been grateful for over the last couple of months and here are a few more.  Gratitude is truly all in your perspective.

I actually weeded the yard myself - with Cole's company, of course

Nausea from the medication made me feel like I was having morning sickness again.  G2 is my beverage of choice in that situation.

This was the first time I felt like I could tackle going to the store - it just seemed like such a big place it overwhelmed me

Jason taught my church lesson for me so I wouldn't have to worry about it

I actually finished the content for another month of our BPS workshop - that was a hard one for me

I could have taken a photo every day of these two - they saved me


Happy 4th


Postpartum: Strategies for Overcoming