No Rush



I’ve been waiting for a certain book publisher to give me their verdict.
Weeks have turned into months.

They’ve emailed me.
I know they like the manuscript.
I know they are still working on a decision to publish it or not.
If they don’t, I will self-publish.
But I have to wait for their decision to move forward.

For the last year I have felt really anxious about the timeline of this process.
I keep thinking that I need to strike while the iron is hot! Take advantage of the timing!

Because if I don’t hurry and get it published then people will forget.

They’ll forget who he is.
They’ll forget that we did stuff. Overcame things. They’ll forget that he laughed his way through life. They’ll forget to be astounded, motivated, taught.
They’ll forget him.
You’ll forget him.

So last year, we put together a simple marketing plan. Sign up for our newsletter to get all of my social media posts plus sneak peeks of the book. News of when it’s ready for purchase will also come through that newsletter.

A few months ago I started to feel anxious. Is it enough? It’s taking so long to publish it! Will they remember? I have to hurry and do more.

Hurry so they don’t forget.

A good friend offered another thought.
What if there is no rush?
What if it will happen at exactly the right time?
What if it will happen exactly the right way with the right people helping?
What if no one will forget?

A light switch turned on in my head.
What if there is no rush?
Is that even an option?
The idea of abandoning my self-imposed expectations was completely new to me.

No rush.
I let the thought simmer. It started to take shape.

And then I smiled as I envisioned Jason, the ultimate salesman. The one who has been talking about writing a book for 25 years. The one who’s stories are found on every page.
That guy.

Of course he will be selling this thing. Of course he will whisper and cajole and push and convince in every way he can to get this in the hands of people who need it and want it.
The image makes me laugh. He’s a salesman. Why wouldn’t he help me sell our book?

No rush.
The timing will be perfect.
The help will be there.
And no one will forget.✊🏻💙


He's Still in My Bed


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