Coleman Still has No Phone

Coleman asked me to text his friend’s mom something because his friend got his phone taken away.

This was my response to him.😂

Coleman has no phone.
But he does have an Apple Watch and an iPad that he can call or text from.
He thinks he’s deprived.

Maybe he is.
But this is how I’ve chosen to handle it.
He’ll get a phone eventually.
Just not yet.

I’m not anti-phone.
I actually like the fact that he’s available via his watch and iPad.
And there’s times (like when his watch dies at night) when I REALLY wish he had a phone.

But this is what I’ve decided.
No phone yet.
But it actually doesn’t matter what I choose about a phone. Get a phone. Don’t get a phone. Whatever.
The important part is my reason for making the choice.

And so I look at my reasons quite often. Why do I not get him a phone?
Do I like my reasons? Do I want to look at them more closely? Do I want to change my reasons? Do I want to let that reason go?
I analyze it all and make my decision based on reasons I like.

My reasons may not be your reasons.
My decision may not be your decision.
They’re all still the right decision.
For you. For your family. For your kid.

Just look at your reasons.
Do you like them?
Cool. Then stick with it.
No need to doubt yourself or feel shame and guilt.
When we make decisions for reasons that we like, we are actually showing ourselves great love.
Supporting ourselves.

Check your reasons. Then love yourself enough to back yourself up. Support yourself in your reasons.

And just so you know, this post really has nothing to do with the phone.💙✊🏻


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